Education (majors/minors, certificate programs, etc.)

M.Ed. in Urban Education

The M.Ed. in Urban Education is a 33-credit-hour, fully online degree program designed to prepare education professionals who are committed to delivering high-quality, culturally relevant/sustaining instruction and services that meet the needs of students in...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Professional Certificate

Organizations that embrace and prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) not only win the competition for talent, but they also top the charts for profitability and growth. Creating a culture where DEI is woven into the fabric of daily worklife is the...

CAMMSE Research, Educational and Outreach, Workforce Development, and Technology Transfer Activities

CAMMSE (Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education) is a Tier 1 UTC (University Transportation Center) and a consortium of five universities, led by The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC), each with outstanding programs in...

Culturally Sustaining Teaching Certificate

A certificate program offered and administered by the School of Professional Studies. The certificate program addresses unconscious bias in the classroom and is delivered in partnership with UNC Charlotte Urban Education Collaborative and the Department of Middle,...

Program Goals

We have a program goals for the LDT M.Ed. and Graduate certificates to include at least one objective and assessment include DEI making students accountable for DEI in their instructional products

Peer Leader-Educators Advocating for Sexuality Education

PLEASE trains students and supports them in facilitating conversations about sexual health and gender/sexuality.

Executive Director

Monthly affinity group lunches for students from underrepresented groups; A dedicated orientation for graduate students of color; a GRAD course, Topics in Diversity, offered each spring through the CGLL; GRAD course, Navigating Graduate School as a First Generation...

College and Career Coaching

Coaching to addresses accessibility to college for underserved populations who are interested in School of Professional Studies Programming. The purpose is to raise awareness and provide guidance to students about educational opportunities. The evaluation methods...

Making Education for New Teachers Obtain Results (MENTOR)

How old were you when you had your first male teacher? In what grade were you in when you had your first African-American teacher? When did you first have a teacher that was not representative of your race or ethnicity? Answers to these questions illuminate a well-...

Common Reading Experience

Each year, a committee selects a book with diversity, equity, and inclusion themes to serve as the Common Reading. For fall 2022, the selection is The Ground Breaking: An American City and Its Search for Justice by Scott Ellsworth. The book becomes a required text...